According to Indian Ayurvedic Therapy:-
Cinnamon - Cinnamon means bark in Sanskrit. It is pungent, sweet and bitter in taste. It helps in the assimilation of nutrients into the tissues of the body. It also enhances sugar metabolism. According to Ayurveda, it controls both vata and kapha, without aggravating pitta unless it is consumed in excess.Clove - Clove is commonly used spice adds refreshing flavor to the food. It is considered best for increasing the digestive fire (Agni) without overheating the system. Hence it is widely used in both savory and sweet preparations. It is best used into stewed apples, and taken first thing in the morning. Clove is also used as mouth freshener.
Star Anise - Star anise has been used in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine and cooking for centuries. Both cultures use it as a breath freshener and digestive. It's soothing to the stomach and is often used in cough medications. Star anise is usually used together with ginger and clove to treat nausea and vomiting. Key Benefits of Star Anise: Aids Digestion, Freshens bad breath and The oil is believed to relieve rheumatism.
Modern Research Findings:-
Turmeric - Turmeric is bitter, astringent, hot and pungent after digestion. It is used externally and internally to purify both blood and mind. Turmeric has many useful therapeutic qualities, including, anti-oxidant, anti-tumoral, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, anti-hepatotoxic, anti-hyperlipidemic, and insect repellent effects. It is very useful in cancer as it improves the anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory properties of nitric oxide and increases the anti-cancer properties of other phytonutrients. It also restrains the growth of leukemia in the stages of initiation, promotion, and progression. It inhibits precancerous colon growth, suppresses colon cancer, oral tumors, multiple lines of breast cancer, and inhibits skin cancer growth when applied topically. In general, it enhances metabolism and helps the body to reduce undesirable fatty deposits, and protect against heart disease by reducing inflammatory causing bacteria in the blood circulation. Turmeric also has anti septic action, and helps to slow bleeding when applied topically to wounds. Turmeric paste is used in bruises, bites, stings, open wounds, boils and breast disorders.
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